New York Community Colleges Energy Equity Consortium
Advancing a stronger, cleaner, more inclusive economy for New Yorkers
The Ask.
Develop and launch a first-time, statewide Clean Energy Jobs Training and Employment initiative supporting underserved New Yorkers.

The Solution.
ASC built a consortium of 24 community colleges, unions, faith leaders, and governments, supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the New York State Department of Labor, to create an unprecedented on-ramp for New Yorkers who had been left out of the energy transition.
Tactics included:
Stakeholder engagement
Webinars and collaborative workshops
Media engagement
Grant writing
Branding, website, social media
The Outcome.
Endorsed by 150 elected officials, 4 state agencies, and 25 community colleges, NYCCEE launched its first training initiative in the Bronx, NY in 2024, a collaboration among Bronx Community College, IBEW Local Union 3, Siemens, and others.